

To make your reservation, select the number of guests, day and time. If there is no availability, try another day.

Booking engine privacy policy

Your data will be included in a file for which Vinoteca García de la Navarra, Calle de Montalbán, 3 28014 Madrid Spain, is responsible, in order to manage your reservation and send you commercial information about its products and services.

If you wish to receive commercial information by electronic means from the restaurant, please tick the corresponding option. Users whose data are processed may exercise their rights of access and information, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data free of charge under the terms specified in Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, in accordance with the legally established procedure.

These rights may be exercised by sending a written communication, duly signed, accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card, to the above address or via the following e-mail address:

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